Kakera thinks carefully about this.
"We must be wary of what direction we take the League. We are not, after all, the emperor's lapdogs, nor his personal security. This is a mutual agreement to non-aggression, with the implied incentive that we will be offered work more or less exclusively."
She pauses to review her own claim. Was it really plausible to remain as distant from the Empire as she wanted, as unattached and unencumbered by political fetters as she had always been? No, this question was fundamentally flawed. She could not remove herself entirely from the political sphere anymore. The question had become one of distance, not of exclusivity.
This brought up another consideration...
"While it seems fairly obvious the Empire would frown upon our reducing their pilots to flaming shrapnel, what is the policy on taking missions from their enemies where the target is not of the Imperial persuasion?"
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